Friday, 18 October 2013

Guest Blog from The PR Mummy! Her newborn photography session with me! Ultimate Blog Challenge #10

I had the pleasure of welcoming Emma Collins (The PR Mummy) to my studio in Bournemouth to photograph her newborn Matilda! She kindly wrote a blog post about me and her experience at the session :)

Thank you so much Emma! Here is her post:

I'm rubbish at photography. I'm really keen on modern day memory keeping. I love the thought of my daughters seeing photographs of their past - childhood and family. I have never said that I'm a professional *laughs at the thought* and i have never tried to be, but I do take A LOT of pictures. I carry a camera around with me at all times and I get really snap happy, trying to capture precious memories of my little family. However, when I take a better look at what I have been snapping, the quality of the pics are pretty meh! Firstly I need to learn how to use my camera (I'm one of those people that can never be bothered to read instructions!) and secondly I need to know what I SHOULD be taking snaps of. I am literally always getting my daughters to pose. I need to loosen up and go with the flow!

When Matilda was born I promised to do the things that I wanted to do with my other daughters, but never managed to. So I signed up to Turtle Tots in Dorset, bought a beautiful crib and I decided to try Captured By Samira photography in Bournemouth. I have never had professional photographs done before, and this is something I have always massively regretted. I had no idea what to expect, I was just advised to be ready to feed a lot and to wear a white top.

My husband and I turned up at the studio with all three of our daughters at 2pm on day 7 of Matilda entering this world. With Matilda always sleeping and my first day of feeling human after the caesarean I was super excited but this particular day was going to be the first day of Matilda changing her sleeping habit and staying awake! 

Samira was amazing. She was so calm and knew exactly what to do in order to get those pretty snaps of baby sleeping (I also picked up a great tip to get Matilda to sleep). I wasn't made to feel a pain in the bottom or useless, in fact I felt very welcome (see mug picture below!) and like I had known her for years!

If you can afford it I strongly suggest you get professional newborn photographs done. It's by far the most beautiful surprise to receive the photo's and to look through them once you are feeling better and less flustered with a newborn

So here are a few snaps from the session (SQUUIISSHHYYYYYY)...


  1. Hey Samira,

    Great photos here! That's actually a good idea to carry a camera with you and capture the moments. Thank you for sharing. Have a great week ahead. :-)

  2. I need to get better at carrying my camera with me, there have been way too many times where I saw something I wanted to take a picture of but all I had was my crappy cell-phone camera on me.

  3. I love the pic of the 2 girls with the baby, it's really gorgeous and it's one that if it was mine I'd be really happy to blow up and get printed onto a canvas or frame. I think if I ever had a baby I'd book in a newborn photoshoot because me and my sister don't really have any proper baby pictures. I love the fact people document their children's life, it will make for so many memories growing up.

    Kate Hurn
    ProActiv Make Up Cleansing Wipes Review

  4. Beautiful pictures!
    All three of your girls are lovely.

  5. Those photos are so precious! Definitely something that will be treasured for life!

    Linda x
