Tuesday, 29 October 2013

My Guilty Pleasure….what is yours? UBC #20

So as I get home from a very busy day out with Hayden, I sit down and have a fidget……it has to come off! I need to be free! 

You guessed it! I have to take that bra off! And it feels soooo good! Men can't relate to how good it feels but ladies, do you agree?? 

Whats your guilty pleasure? I would love to hear it!!! 


  1. I agree, this is my favourite thing after a long day, nothing really beats that feeling does it?

  2. My latest guilty pleasure is Candy Crush, I'm afraid to say. I finally gave in when my 6yo begged me for help and now I can't stop!

  3. My guilty pleasure is dark chocolate!

  4. I have too many guilty pleasures to mention but one would probably be reality TV! Love it.

    Helen X


  5. yes most definitely this! cant think of one on the top of my head


  6. Ha ha, this is too funny! Bras don't bother me, but I guess my guilty pleasure would be wine. I love sitting down of an evening and enjoying a cold glass of pinot grigio!

  7. Oh I love it, Said to hubby last night as I whipped it from out one arm of my top, at last, they are released! lol

    My guilty pleasure would be wine, love sunday roast with wine, or just wine lol

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My guilty pleasure is ..... fluffy slipper socks ... I love slipping into them and putting my feet up with a nice cuppa of Earl Grey tea and a choccy bicci
