Tuesday, 1 October 2013

My first ever blog post! And its all about meeee! Ultimate Blog Challenge #1


So blogging is something I keep meaning to do....something I keep being told I should do.....something I keep telling myself I never have the time to do! But here I am :) 

It is the Ultimate Blog Challenge which has given me the kick up the back side to start! I have to post 31 blog posts in October - so this can be one every day or maybe 2 every couple of days etc! 

I guess I start with telling you about me.....

My name is Samira, I am 26 years old and live in West Parley, near to Bournemouth. I am a mother to an amazing little boy Hayden who was 2 in July and I am 20 weeks pregnant with another little bundle of boy trouble! I live with my amazing partner Chris - he is my rock and a fantastic Daddy <3

My little family :)

Along with looking after our growing family, I am blessed with the most amazing job as a specialist newborn and baby photographer.  After having my son, we invested in a great camera with the intention of just using it to take nice pictures of our new baby boy. The moment I clicked the shutter, a passion grew inside of me! I had to know the ins and outs of how to use this fantastic bit of kit. After lots of training and practicing with my own baby model, Captured by Samira was born! 

I then trained in newborn posing with a top UK newborn specialist and called for lots of gorgeous teeny models under 3 weeks old to practice with! Captured by Samira officially started in April 2012 and here I am 18 months later with a lovely busy diary and a great local following plus fantastic clients who I am blessed to have come back to me as their babies grow into cheeky toddlers! 

Some of my recent work

So that was just a little blog about me :) I am really looking forward to my future posts and hope you enjoy them

Samira xx


  1. Well done!!! The first post is the hardest!

  2. Thank you :) now for 30 more this month :O
