Sunday, 20 October 2013

Recent newborn photography sessions I have been editing! Ultimate Blog Challenge #12

As you may or may not already know, I am a newborn photographer based in Bournemouth!

I have been working all day today (yes on a Sunday! No rest for the wicked!) so thought I would share some newborns I have recently edited to make you smile this Sunday evening!

Welcoming little Lexxie who is just 4 days new and little Finley who is 11 days new - im one of those lucky people who can say I LOVE MY JOB!


  1. Wow - what great shots! Good job - now get some rest!

  2. Oh myyyyyy, you have made my day. These are beautiful in their simplicity and their love coming through your camera. How can you even take it? Don't you just want to stop and cuddle and love on these beauties? You have a glorious life and life can be kept in a love perspective when you look at these babies. :)

  3. great shots. yes indeed you have a lovely job

  4. Oh my word they are adorable!! Fantastic pictures, so glad you shared them!!

  5. What stunning shots, I love the smiley one xx

    Beautyqueenuk xx
