Thursday, 10 October 2013

My 2 year olds favourite books! Ultimate Blog Challenge #7

Reading is something we love doing with Hayden, and he loves it too! We have had it as part of his bed time routine since he started babbling away to us and we try to vary his books but we also always include his favourite books every night which he now knows the words to himself! 

His VERY favourite is Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson

It is about a witch on her travels who keeps losing her belongings but gets the help of different animals she meets on the way who find them for her! They then join her on the broom but it eventually snaps from their weight and she gets into trouble with a dragon! Her new friends are there to save her! 

The book is written in rhyme and has lots of repetition which helps Hayden remember the words and repeat them with us! His favourite quote from the book which he says even when we are not reading are "I am a dragon, as mean as can be, I'm planning on having Witch and Chips for my tea!" - its so funny as he says it in the deep dragon voice we put on when reading to him! 

We have also found a video of the book which he would watch over and over if we let him!

The next book we always read is Peace at Last by Jill Murphy

This book is great fun! It is about a bear who is trying to go to sleep but there are so many noises which are keeping him awake! He moves to different rooms in the house, the garden and even the car yet everywhere he goes there are noises which are keeping him up. 

Hayden loves this book as every time the bear hears a noise he says "oh noooo, I can't stand this" - when Mr.Bear says this I always pat my hand on my forehead and shake my head which Hayden now copies along with the words! 

The book also describes the noises which are keeping Mr.Bear awake such as the "DRIP DRIP" of the tap, the "TWEET TWEET" of the birds, the "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" of the alarm clock which Hayden also now repeats with me! 

This book is a classic read, my mum said I loved it when I was a child, and Hayden is following suit!! 

The last book we always read is Walking Through the Jungle by Debbie Harter

This book is actually a song which we sing together every night! Its not as bad as it sounds, its a very easy song and very repetitive! You can find the song of the book here:

We read the first line, which is then repeated again so we let Hayden sing that bit! He loves it! We also like to just sit and go through the really colourful illustrated pages naming the animals on each page! The song includes the animal noises its very educational. He knows a Polar Bear (and growls) and a wolf (and howls!) all from this book! I highly recommend it! 

As I am pregnant at the moment, we also have a few new baby books which we chop and change so Hayden start to learn about the changes we will be having in the house with his new brother! The three we currently use are (click on image to get link) 


  1. I love children's books! My favourite part of babysitting was always reading, and I'm so excited to find out what my future children's favorite books will be.

  2. What a cutie! I love kids books, and these books sound great! Thanks for sharing. (PS found your blog in the Ultimate Blog Challenge).

  3. Magical Blog Samira :) The most important and beautiful thing to do is sharing books with your children :)
